Design Your Space the Way YOU Want

Changing Designs

So here’s the scenario: you just moved or have a place in, let’s say, Sarasota. It doesn’t need to be huge and most of the time when you’re here, it’s just you or you and your significant other. Occasionally, you have friends or family visit, but it typically isn’t for extended periods of time. You have a three-bedroom you want to change the design and remodel, but currently, everything seems to be too small or too close together. What do you do?

The hardest part of the process is allowing yourself to be bold in your decision to renovate. Many times when starting the process of thinking about remodeling, it can be tough to imagine the space outside of its current proverbial “box,” especially if you have owned or been there for a while. Re-envisioning the space for your lifestyle can be imperative. Why go through all of it just to put it back the way it was, especially if it wasn’t the best fit for your lifestyle?

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If you love your home/condo/villa, your location is great, and you don’t plan on going anywhere for a while, why not make that three-bedroom space a two-bedroom instead? You’re probably thinking that this move will devalue your property; however, if it’s designed well, that won’t really matter. Too often, many go through the process thinking about the “next” person who “may” purchase the property, rather than designing it to their liking. You should LOVE your space, not just think it’s okay.

Of course, the idea of re-envisioning the space with one less bedroom is not applicable in every situation, but sometimes your space and how you use it calls for a drastic change like this. For example, maybe the current configuration with the three-bedroom has no dining space and a tiny living room. By removing one of the superfluous bedrooms and combining that newfound square footage into your unit, you may gain the space you always wished you had… two bedrooms with one suite bathroom and a big enough living room to actually fit a sofa in, etc.

So what it comes down to is don’t let your current space dictate the design. Let’s get creative and define your space the way you want it to be!

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