Home Improvement Design Trends 2021 Part 4: Condos Vs. Homes

Trends in Condo Renos

Senior Designer Joe Clark spoke with Sarasota Style Magazine about what home improvement trends we can expect to see this year. In Part 4 of 5 of the full interview exclusively on cabexconstruction.com, Joe talks about trends in condo and home renovations.

Are There Different Styles For a Condo Renovation From a Home Renovation?

Our clients who own condos, particularly ones near the beach, are going for a modern look. The condo trend seems to be a lot more on that contemporary side of things. In homes, renovations do go that route as well. But we’re seeing the transitional side of design where there are very modern elements mixed in with more transitional or traditional. This creates a more eclectic feel to the space where you’re mixing and matching different styles to create a unique look.

We’re taking the “modern rustic” and moving toward the contemporary side, whether it’s the finish or countertop or the cabinet pull style. You can see a very transitional-looking cabinet door and have a really contemporary cabinet on it. It’s a marriage of a couple of different styles that creates a unique look. And it doesn’t look detached from the architecture. A lot of the architecture here Florida is this faux Mediterranean or coastal look. You don’t want to go completely opposite of that. However, you can detach a little bit from the exterior and do something very unique on the inside.

Color: Home Improvement Design Trends 2021 Part 1

Adding On: Home Improvement Design Trends 2021 Part 2

Going All In: Home Improvement Design Trends 2021 Part 3

Prepping For a Remodel: Home Improvement Design Trends 2021 Part 5


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