Home Improvement Design Trends 2021 Part 2: Adding On

Trends in Outdoor Living & Additions

Senior Designer Joe Clark spoke with Sarasota Style Magazine about what home improvement trends we can expect to see this year, especially in the Sarasota area. In Part 2 of 5 of the full interview exclusively on cabexconstruction.com, Joe talks about trends in outdoor living and home additions.

Let’s Talk About the Outdoor Living Space. What Trends are You Seeing There?


Outdoor kitchen grillAs far as outdoor kitchens, grilling out is always a fun thing to do. We’re definitely seeing a transition into utilizing those outdoor spaces a lot more. We’re definitely adding outdoor kitchens to these spaces and making them bigger. It’s not just a grill. We’re getting requests for features like grills, sink bases, ice makers, undercounter refrigerators, seating areas, and bar tops. As far as the outdoor grill area, we’re seeing big grills, maybe a 42-inch grill with a big hood. People are really going to town outside.

There’s been a huge resurgence of people requesting pools too. People want a pool area because I think before last year, the trend was to stay in a place for three to five years and then move. I think people have maybe now resorted to saying they like where they’re at and wanting to stay there for a while. The thinking is, “Because we’re home more, I always wanted a pool, and now seems like a great time to do it.” Pool builders are booked out for a long time right now. It’s been crazy. People are moving outside and upgrading those outside spaces for sure.

Are You Getting More Requests for Home Additions?

Home additions home officeWe’ve noticed an increase in request for additions lately as well. For example, I’m currently working on a project on Siesta Key where the home was built in the 60s that has a carport area that’s not being utilized and a very small kitchen. What we’re going to do is close in that area while keeping it under the existing roof and redesign the space into a larger kitchen along with a bathroom and laundry room. We’re seeing this kind of transition continuing to happen as people are transitioning to staying at home more. Many businesses seem to be keeping their employees working from home a lot longer, so making that home space more inviting and inspiring is very important, especially for an environment you’re in all day. Wanting to have that space be separate from the rest of the house is also very important to keep that separation of work and home life. The trend for a long time was to open everything up and make it a big open space, but now we’re starting to separate a lot of spaces. That adds a little more excitement, and you’re adding a little bit of intimacy where you want it.

Home Offices or Gyms… Which Do Homeowners Want More?

What we’re seeing are more home offices than gyms. Most of our clients lean toward redesigning or adding a home office rather than a gym.

Color: Home Improvement Design Trends 2021 Part 1

Going All In: Home Improvement Design Trends 2021 Part 3

Condos Vs. Homes: Home Improvement Design Trends 2021 Part 4

Prepping For a Remodel: Home Improvement Design Trends 2021 Part 5


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