Home Improvement Design Trends 2021 Part 3: Going All In

Going All Into Design

Senior Designer Joe Clark spoke with Sarasota Style Magazine about what home improvement trends we can expect to see this year, especially in the Sarasota area. In Part 3 of 5 of the full interview exclusively on cabexconstruction.com, Joe talks about how homeowners are going all in when it comes to remodeling.

Home design trends kitchensDoes the Project Stop at Just the Kitchen or Just the Bathroom?

Lately, it seems like more people are going all in instead of remodeling only one space at a time; our clients that come into our showroom tell us they’re planning to remodel just their kitchen or bathroom for example, but then later think, why not just do everything all at once instead? We’re seeing the trend, at least here in the Sarasota area, of people diving into doing more rather than less. A lot of that does deal with the thinking of, “Yes, let’s remodel my kitchen, but that includes the flooring, and the flooring goes throughout the house into the bathrooms, so let’s go ahead and remodel the bathrooms too.” It’s like a snowball effect. Many of our clients are moving here from up north. They’re buying houses that need to be renovated, houses that are at least 10-12 years old. Some of the design aesthetics built into those properties are really showing their age.

What is the Trend in Windows?

Home design trends windowsWe’re getting more requests for window replacements too. I think that has to do with clients moving down from up north and knowing we’re in a different climate and wind-heavy sort of area. A lot of the demand for new windows has to do with the new homeowner upgrading the windows to hurricane windows to feel safe.

Are There Home Design Trends We Might Not Be Expecting?

Wallpaper’s coming back- a new version though. A lot of this newer style wallpaper has a lot of texture in it. It’s not so much pattern, but I see it modernized. People leaning back into doing wallpaper are going more textural rather than pattern. On the color side, it seems more monochromatic, so shades of the same color. If it is a geometric pattern, for example, it’s not going to be in multiple colors but shades of one color. It adds depth, but you’re not adding too much of an additional element to a space where there’s too much going on.

Color: Home Improvement Design Trends 2021 Part 1

Adding On: Home Improvement Design Trends 2021 Part 2

Condos Vs. Homes: Home Improvement Design Trends 2021 Part 4

Prepping For a Remodel: Home Improvement Design Trends 2021 Part 5


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