What Inspires Great Design in Remodeling?

Finding Inspiration

There are so many factors that come into play when a designer goes into a client’s home. What inspires great design is typically looking at a client’s existing design and things that have already inspired them.

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As professional designers, we like to maintain a client’s flow, so if they have a traditional theme going, we don’t want to create something that really stands too far out from that such as a very modern-style bathroom or kitchen. We like to maintain the integrity of a client’s already existing design, so again there’s a nice flow throughout the home.



Up to Date

We also like to suggest bringing the style a little bit more up to date to inspire the homeowner to maybe look at doing some of the other areas in their home. This can help them with resale value.

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We also like to inspire the homeowner to maybe think outside the box a little bit while still staying within their design elements by using great textures, wallpaper, or even going with a unique finish on hardware. Matte black is now one of the more popular unique ways of featuring any type of design in a home to help make it a little more unique.

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